Consulting & Analytics
We provide one-stop digital marketing solutions to connect your business to Chinese consumers. V-Click’s 930+ million Chinese consumer dataset helps to understand your target audiences and offer the most effective solutions to connect your brand with audiences in China.
Chinese Travelers Marketing solution
To penetrate the Chinese outbound tourism market, it is necessary to understand their travel patterns and characteristics including their travel timing, planning and behaviours when they are visiting Thailand. We have different communication strategies and platforms for different stages of traveling (Pre-Travel & During Travel Solutions) to stimulate brand recognition and product purchase.
China Influencer Marketing Solution
We help you find the right KOLs for your business. With our expertise to communicate & strategize with over 10,000+ exclusive KOLs, we create content that will increase your brand awareness & make your products more appealing to customers.
Our Influencers Marketing solution also covers a live streaming campaign with more than 400 million online viewers on Social (Red, DouYin and Etc.) and E-commerce platforms (T-mall, JD, Taobao & Etc.)